This Documentation is for the Windows Application of Ninjaview
Updated on 07/16/24
Table of Contents
- Important Considerations
- Options
- Default Values for Testing
- JSON Examples
- Pinescript Examples
Important Considerations
While this guide provides a comprehensive overview of various order types and strategies, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with simpler order types first. Please note that TradingView, the platform that generates these alerts, is not a brokerage service. Hence, data discrepancies, such as latency or minor price feed differences, may exist when executing more complex orders in a real trading environment.
Additionally, ensure that you cross-reference the ticker symbols received from TradingView with the corresponding expiry month and year on NinjaTrader. For instance, if you are using the NQ1! symbol from TradingView, the appropriate NinjaTrader ticker would be NQ SEP24 as of the date of this guide.
If you have any questions about which variables can be utilized in the TradingView alert system, feel free to check out the official TradingView page on How to Use a Variable in Alert.
- Account: (Required)
- Instrument: (Required)
- Alert: (Required)
- Qty: (Required)
- Order Type: (Required)
- Limit Price: (Optional)
- Stop Price: (Optional)
- TIF: (Required)
Default Values for Testing
- Account: Sim101
- Ticker: NQ SEP24
- Quantity (qty): 1
To help confirm your connection and payloads are being properly setup and deployed, we’ve created a Payload(s) Generator and Test Page..

Log in to NinjaTrader 8 and establish a connection. Then, start NinjaView and activate the Ngrok Webhook. Test this setup by visiting the “Payload Test Page,” where you’ll enter your Ngrok webhook URL and desired payload, and click “Send Request.” This process should facilitate a smooth execution of your order, using a standard “Market Long” to confirm a stable connection.
Trade Copier (Separate accounts with comma’s using any alert type)
{ "alert": "Market Long", "account": "Sim101,Sim102,Sim103,Sim104,Sim105", "ticker": "NQ SEP24" }
Custom Comment Line For Any Payload
{ "comment": "Anything You want" }
{ "comment": "Anything You want" }
Open Source w/Strings
comment = '{ "comment": "Anything You Want" }'
Simple Market Long
{ "alert": "Market Long", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1" }
{ "alert": "Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}" }
Open Source w/Strings
MarketLong = '{ "alert": "Market Long", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '" }'
Simple Market Short
{ "alert": "Market Short", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1" }
{ "alert": "Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}" }
Open Source w/Strings
MarketShort = '{ "alert": "Market Short", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '" }'
Simple Close All Then Market Order Long (For closing short and opening long/flipping)
{ "alert": "Close Then Market Buy", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", }
{ "alert": "Close Then Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}" }
Open Source w/Strings
CloseThenMarketBuy = '{ "alert": "Close Then Market Buy", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '" }'
Simple Close All Then Market Order Short(For closing long and opening short/flipping)
{ "alert": "Close Then Market Sell", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1" }
{ "alert": "Close Then Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}" }
Open Source w/Strings
CloseThenMarketSell = '{ "alert": "Close Then Market Sell", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '" }'
Simple Close All Positions
{ "alert": "Market Close", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24" }
{ "alert": "Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24" }
Open Source w/Strings
MarketClose = '{ "alert": "Market Close", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '" }'
Long with Limit Order
{ "alert": "Limit Long", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "order_type": "LIMIT", "limit_price": "14000.50", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "Limit {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "order_type": "LIMIT", "limit_price": "{{close}}", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
LimitLong = '{ "alert": "Limit Long", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"order_type": "LIMIT", ' + '"limit_price": "' + str.tostring(entry_limit_long) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
Short with Limit Order
{ "alert": "Limit Short", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "order_type": "LIMIT", "limit_price": "13900.50", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "Limit {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "order_type": "LIMIT", "limit_price": "{{close}}", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
LimitShort = '{ "alert": "Limit Short", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"order_type": "LIMIT", ' + '"limit_price": "' + str.tostring(entry_limit_long) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
Setting Short Positions Market Stop Order
{ "alert": "STOPMARKET Long", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "order_type": "STOPMARKET", "stop_price": "13900", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "STOPMARKET {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "order_type": "STOPMARKET", "stop_price": "13900", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
LongConditionSTOP = '{ "alert": "STOPMARKET Long", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"order_type": "STOPMARKET", ' + '"stop_price": "' + str.tostring(market_stop_price_short) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
Setting Long Positions Market Stop Order
{ "alert": "STOPMARKET Short", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "order_type": "STOPMARKET", "stop_price": "13900", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "STOPMARKET {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "order_type": "STOPMARKET", "stop_price": "13900", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
ShortConditionStop = '{ "alert": "STOPMARKET Short", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"order_type": "STOPMARKET", ' + '"stop_price": "' + str.tostring(market_stop_price_long) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
Setting Short Positions Limit Stop Order
{ "alert": "STOPLIMIT Long", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "order_type": "STOPLIMIT", "limit_price": "0", "stop_price": "13999.50", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "STOPLIMIT {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "order_type": "STOPLIMIT", "limit_price": "0", "stop_price": "13900", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
LongConditionStopLimit = '{ "alert": "STOPLIMIT Long", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"order_type": "STOPLIMIT", ' + '"limit_price": "0", ' + '"stop_price": "' + str.tostring(limit_stop_price_short) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
Setting Long Positions Limit Stop Order
{ "alert": "STOPLIMIT Short", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "order_type": "STOPLIMIT", "limit_price": "0", "stop_price": "13999.50", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "STOPLIMIT {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "order_type": "STOPLIMIT", "limit_price": "0", "stop_price": "13900", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
ShortConditionStopLimit = '{ "alert": "STOPLIMIT Short", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"order_type": "STOPLIMIT", ' + '"limit_price": "0", ' + '"stop_price": "' + str.tostring(limit_stop_price_long) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
OCO Market Order Long
{ "alert": "OCO Market Long", "account": "Sim1", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "5", "take_profit_price": "16000.00", "stop_price": "15500.00", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
{ "alert": "OCO Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim1", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "take_profit_price": "16000.00", "stop_price": "15500.00", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
Open Source w/Strings
OCOMarketLong = '{ "alert": "OCO Market Long", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(take_profit_long) + '", ' + '"stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stop_price_long) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY", ' + '"oco_id": "' + str.tostring(OrderID) + '" }'
OCO Market Order Short
{ "alert": "OCO Market Short", "account": "Sim1", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "5", "take_profit_price": "15500.00", "stop_price": "16000.00", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
{ "alert": "OCO Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim1", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "take_profit_price": "15500.00", "stop_price": "16000.00", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
Open Source w/Strings
OCOMarketShort = '{ "alert": "OCO Market Short", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(take_profit_long) + '", ' + '"stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stop_price_long) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY", ' + '"oco_id": "' + str.tostring(OrderID) + '" }'
Close Then OCO Market Long(For closing short and opening long/flipping)
{ "alert": "Close Then OCO Market Long", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "order_type": "MARKET", "take_profit_price": "17940", "stop_price": "17930", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x", "comment": "Closing existing position and placing new OCO Market Long order" }
{ "alert": "Close Then OCO Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "order_type": "MARKET", "take_profit_price": "17940", "stop_price": "17930", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x", "comment": "Closing existing position and placing new OCO Market Long order" }
Open Source w/Strings
CloseOCOMarketLong = '{ "alert": "Close Then OCO Market Long", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"order_type": "MARKET", ' + '"take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(take_profit_long) + '", ' + '"stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stop_price_long) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY", ' + '"oco_id": "' + str.tostring(OrderID) + '", ' + '"comment": "Closing existing position and placing new OCO Market Long order" }';
Close Then OCO Market Short(For closing long and opening short/flipping)
{ "alert": "Close Then OCO Market Short", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "order_type": "MARKET", "take_profit_price": "17930", "stop_price": "17940", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x", "comment": "Closing existing position and placing new OCO Market Long order" }
{ "alert": "Close Then OCO Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "order_type": "MARKET", "take_profit_price": "17930", "stop_price": "17940", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x", "comment": "Closing existing position and placing new OCO Market Long order" }
Open Source w/Strings
CloseOCOMarketLong = '{ "alert": "Close Then OCO Market Short", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"order_type": "MARKET", ' + '"take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(take_profit_long) + '", ' + '"stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stop_price_long) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY", ' + '"oco_id": "' + str.tostring(OrderID) + '", ' + '"comment": "Closing existing position and placing new OCO Market Long order" }';
{ "alert": "OCO STOPLIMIT Entry Long", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "entry_stop_price": "17907", "limit_price": "17915", "take_profit_price": "17940", "initial_stop_loss_price": "17890", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
{ "alert": "OCO STOPLIMIT Entry Long", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "entry_stop_price": "{{strategy.entry_stop_price}}", "limit_price": "{{strategy.limit_price}}", "take_profit_price": "17940", "initial_stop_loss_price": "17890", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x", "comment": "Placing new OCO STOPLIMIT Entry Long order" }
Open Source w/Strings
OCOStopLimitEntryLong = '{ "alert": "OCO STOPLIMIT Entry Long", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"entry_stop_price": "' + str.tostring(entry_stop_price) + '", ' + '"limit_price": "' + str.tostring(limit_price) + '", ' + '"take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(take_profit_price) + '", ' + '"initial_stop_loss_price": "' + str.tostring(initial_stop_loss_price) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY", ' + '"oco_id": "' + str.tostring(oco_id) + '", ' + '"comment": "Placing new OCO STOPLIMIT Entry Long order" }';
{ "alert": "OCO STOPLIMIT Entry Short", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "entry_stop_price": "17915", "limit_price": "17907", "take_profit_price": "17890", "initial_stop_loss_price": "17940", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
{ "alert": "OCO STOPLIMIT Entry Short", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "entry_stop_price": "{{strategy.entry_stop_price}}", "limit_price": "{{strategy.limit_price}}", "take_profit_price": "17890", "initial_stop_loss_price": "17940", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
Open Source w/Strings
OCOStopLimitEntryShort = '{ "alert": "OCO STOPLIMIT Entry Short", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"entry_stop_price": "' + str.tostring(entry_stop_price) + '", ' + '"limit_price": "' + str.tostring(limit_price) + '", ' + '"take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(take_profit_price) + '", ' + '"initial_stop_loss_price": "' + str.tostring(initial_stop_loss_price) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY", ' + '"oco_id": "' + str.tostring(oco_id) + '" }';
{ "alert": "OCO STOPMARKET Entry Long", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "entry_stop_price": "17910", "initial_stop_loss_price": "17890", "take_profit_price": "17930", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
{ "alert": "OCO MARKETLIMIT Entry Short", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "entry_stop_price": "{{strategy.entry_stop_price}}", "take_profit_price": "17890", "initial_stop_loss_price": "17930", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
Open Source w/Strings
OCOMarketLimitEntryShort = '{ "alert": "OCO MARKETLIMIT Entry Short", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"entry_stop_price": "' + str.tostring(entry_stop_price) + '", ' + '"take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(take_profit_price) + '", ' + '"initial_stop_loss_price": "' + str.tostring(initial_stop_loss_price) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY", ' + '"oco_id": "' + str.tostring(oco_id) + '" }';
{ "alert": "OCO STOPMARKET Entry Short", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "1", "entry_stop_price": "17910", "initial_stop_loss_price": "17930", "take_profit_price": "17890", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
{ "alert": "OCO MARKETLIMIT Entry Long", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "entry_stop_price": "{{strategy.entry_stop_price}}", "take_profit_price": "17930", "initial_stop_loss_price": "17890", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
Open Source w/Strings
OCOMarketLimitEntryLong = '{ "alert": "OCO MARKETLIMIT Entry Long", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"entry_stop_price": "' + str.tostring(entry_stop_price) + '", ' + '"take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(take_profit_price) + '", ' + '"initial_stop_loss_price": "' + str.tostring(initial_stop_loss_price) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY", ' + '"oco_id": "' + str.tostring(oco_id) + '" }';
OCO Limit Order Long(Not supported)
This order type is not supported at this time.{ "alert": "OCO Limit Long", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "limit_price": "' + str.tostring(entry_limit_long) + '", "take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(take_profit_long) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stop_price_long) + '", "tif": "DAY" }del>
OCO Limit Order Short(Not supported)
This order type is not supported at this time.{ "alert": "OCO Limit Short", "account": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "limit_price": "' + str.tostring(entry_limit_short) + '", "take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(take_profit_short) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stop_price_short) + '", "tif": "DAY" }
Cancel OCO Long TP and SL / Change OCO Long TP and SL (Used for setting TP/SL On Any Ordertype)
{ "alert": "Adjusted OCO Long", "account": "Sim1", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "4", "take_profit_price": "15800.00", "stop_price": "15300.00", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
{ "alert": "Adjusted OCO {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim1", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "take_profit_price": "16000.00", "stop_price": "15500.00", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "{{strategy.order.id}}" }
Open Source w/Strings
AdjustedOCOLong = '{ "alert": "Adjusted OCO Long", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(adjusted_take_profit_long) + '", ' + '"stop_price": "' + str.tostring(adjusted_stop_price_long) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY", ' + '"oco_id": "' + str.tostring(OrderID) + '" }'
Cancel OCO Short TP and SL / Change OCO Short TP and SL(Used for setting TP/SL On Any Ordertype)
{ "alert": "Adjusted OCO Short", "account": "Sim1", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "3", "take_profit_price": "15700.00", "stop_price": "16200.00", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "x" }
{ "alert": "Adjusted OCO {{strategy.order.action}}", "account": "Sim1", "ticker": "NQ SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "take_profit_price": "15500.00", "stop_price": "16000.00", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "{{strategy.order.id}}" }
Open Source w/Strings
AdjustedOCOShort = '{ "alert": "Adjusted OCO Short", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(adjusted_take_profit_short) + '", ' + '"stop_price": "' + str.tostring(adjusted_stop_price_short) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY", ' + '"oco_id": "' + str.tostring(OrderID) + '" }'
Cancel All OCO Bracket’s (Cancel TP’s and SL’s)
{ "alert": "Cancel OCO" }
ATM Strategy Market Long
{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Market Long", "strategy": "StrategyName", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "1", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "strategy": "StrategyName", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
ATMStrategyMarketLong = '{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Market Long", ' + '"strategy": "ATMStrategyName", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
ATM Strategy Market Short
{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Market Short", "strategy": "ATM 2", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "1", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "strategy": "StrategyName", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
ATMStrategyMarketShort = '{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Market Short", ' + '"strategy": "ATMStrategyName", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
ATM Strategy Limit Long
{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Limit Long", "strategy": "ATM 2", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "1", "limit_price": "5050", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Limit {{strategy.order.action}}", "strategy": "ATM 2", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "limit_price": "{{close}}", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
ATMStrategyLimitLong = '{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Limit Long", ' + '"strategy": "ATMStrategyName", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"limit_price": "' + str.tostring(limitlongprice) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
ATM Strategy Limit Short
{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Limit Short", "strategy": "ATM 2", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "1", "limit_price": "5050", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Limit {{strategy.order.action}}", "strategy": "ATM 2", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "limit_price": "{{close}}", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
ATMStrategyLimitShort = '{ "alert": "ATM Strategy Limit Short", ' + '"strategy": "ATMStrategyName", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"limit_price": "' + str.tostring(limitshortprice) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
Close Then ATM Strategy Market Long/Buy (For closing short and opening long/flipping)
{ "alert": "Close Then ATM Strategy Market Long", "strategy": "ATM 2", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "1", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "Close Then ATM Strategy Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "strategy": "ATM 2", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "limit_price": "{{close}}", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
CloseThenATMStrategyMarketLong = '{ "alert": "Close Then ATM Strategy Market Long", ' + '"strategy": "ATMStrategyName", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
Close Then ATM Strategy Market Short/Sell(For closing long and opening short/flipping)
{ "alert": "Close Then ATM Strategy Market Short", "strategy": "ATM 2", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "1", "tif": "DAY" }
{ "alert": "Close Then ATM Strategy Market {{strategy.order.action}}", "strategy": "ATM 2", "account": "Sim101", "ticker": "ES SEP24", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "limit_price": "{{close}}", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
CloseThenATMStrategyMarketShort = '{ "alert": "Close Then ATM Strategy Market Short", ' + '"strategy": "ATMStrategyName", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }'
ATM Limit Order Cancel
{ "alert": "Stop ATM Strategy", "strategy": "YourStrategyName", "strategy_id": "YourStrategyID" }
{ "alert": "Stop ATM Strategy", "strategy": "YourStrategyName", "strategy_id": "YourStrategyID" }
Open Source w/Strings
StopATMStrategy = '{ "alert": "Stop ATM Strategy", ' + '"strategy": "' + str.tostring(strategy) + '", ' + '"strategy_id": "' + str.tostring(strategyid) + '" }'
ATM Limit Order Cancel
(BETA) ATM TD Ameritrade Options (SPY Only)
{ "alert": "atm strategy options", "strategy": "ATMSPY", "account": "SimTDA", "symbol": "SPY", "contractType": "CALL", "strikeCount": "1", "range": "ITM", "fromDate": "20240214", "toDate": "20240214", "expMonth": "ALL", "optionType": "ALL", "alert": "buy", "qty": "1", "order_type": "MARKET", "limit_price": "", "stop_price": "", "tif": "DAY", "oco_id": "", "order_id": "" }
{ "alert": "atm strategy options", "strategy": "ATMSPY", "account": "SimTDA", "symbol": "SPY", "contractType": "CALL", "strikeCount": "1", "range": "ITM", "fromDate": "20240214", "toDate": "20240214", "expMonth": "ALL", "optionType": "ALL", "alert": "buy", "qty": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}", "order_type": "MARKET", "tif": "DAY" }
Open Source w/Strings
ATMSPYOptionsStrategy = '{ "alert": "atm strategy options", ' + '"strategy": "ATMSPY", ' + '"account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", ' + '"symbol": "SPY", ' + '"contractType": "CALL", ' + '"strikeCount": "' + str.tostring(strikeCount) + '", ' + '"range": "ITM", ' + '"fromDate": "' + str.tostring(fromDate) + '", ' + '"toDate": "' + str.tostring(toDate) + '", ' + '"expMonth": "ALL", ' + '"optionType": "ALL", ' + '"alert": "buy", ' + '"qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", ' + '"order_type": "MARKET", ' + '"tif": "DAY" }';
Pinescript Examples
1. Simple Market Long
//@version=5 strategy("Simple Market Long", shorttitle="SML", overlay=true) longCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) acct = "Sim101" ticker = "NQ SEP24" qty = 1 MarketLong = '{ "alert": "Market Long", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '" }' CloseAll = '{ "alert": "Close All", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '" }' if (longCondition) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, alert_message = MarketLong) strategy.exit("Long Exit", from_entry="Long", profit=10, loss=10, alert_message = CloseAll)
1.1 Simple Market Short
//@version=5 strategy("Simple Market Short", shorttitle="SMS", overlay=true) shortCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) acct = "Sim101" ticker = "NQ SEP24" qty = 1 MarketShort = '{ "alert": "Market Short", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '" }' CloseAll = '{ "alert": "Close All", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '" }' if (shortCondition) strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, alert_message = MarketShort) strategy.exit("Short Exit", from_entry="Short", profit=10, loss=10, alert_message = CloseAll)
2. Simple Close All Positions
//@version=5 strategy("Close All Positions Example", shorttitle="CAE", overlay=true) closeAllCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) acct = "Sim101" ticker = "NQ SEP24" CloseAll = '{ "alert": "Close All", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '" }' if (closeAllCondition) strategy.close_all(alert_message = CloseAll)
3. Long with Limit Order
//@version=5 strategy("Long with Limit Order", shorttitle="LLO", overlay=true) longCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) acct = "Sim101" ticker = "NQ SEP24" qty = 1 limit_long_price = close - 5 Limit Long = '{ "alert": "Limit Long", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "limit_price": "' + str.tostring(limit_long_price) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' CloseAll = '{ "alert": "Close All", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '" }' if (longCondition) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, limit=limit_price, alert_message = Limit Long) strategy.exit("Long Exit", from_entry="Long", profit=10, loss=10, alert_message = CloseAll)
3.1 Short with Limit Order
//@version=5 strategy("Short with Limit Order", shorttitle="SLO", overlay=true) shortCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) acct = "Sim101" ticker = "NQ SEP24" limit_short_price = close + 5 Limit Short = '{ "alert": "Limit Short", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "order_type": "LIMIT", "limit_price": "' + str.tostring(limit_short_price) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' CloseAll = '{ "alert": "Close All", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '" }' if (shortCondition) strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, limit=limit_price, alert_message = Limit Short) strategy.exit("Short Exit", from_entry="Short", profit=10, loss=10, alert_message = CloseAll)
4. Long with Stop Market Order
//@version=5 strategy("Long with Stop Market Order", shorttitle="LSMO", overlay=true) var float entryPrice = na var float stopPrice = na longCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) acct = "Sim101" ticker = "NQ SEP24" qty = 1 LongStopMarket = '{ "alert": "Long", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "order_type": "STOPMARKET", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stopPrice) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' CloseAll = '{ "alert": "Close All", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '" }' if (longCondition) entryPrice := close stopPrice := entryPrice - 10 strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, alert_message = LongStopMarket) if (na(stopPrice) == false) and (low <= stopPrice) strategy.close("Long", alert_message = CloseAll) entryPrice := na stopPrice := na
4.1 Short with Stop Market Order
//@version=5 strategy("Short with Stop Market Order", shorttitle="SSMO", overlay=true) var float entryPrice = na var float stopPrice = na shortCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) acct = "Sim101" ticker = "NQ SEP24" qty = 1 ShortStopMarket = '{ "alert": "Short", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "order_type": "STOPMARKET", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(Market_Short_stopPrice) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' CloseAll = '{ "alert": "Close All", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '" }' if (shortCondition) entryPrice := close stopPrice := entryPrice + 10 strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, alert_message = ShortStopMarket) if (na(stopPrice) == false) and (high >= stopPrice) strategy.close("Short", alert_message = CloseAll) entryPrice := na stopPrice := na
5. Long with Stop Limit Order
//@version=5 strategy("Long with Stop Limit Order", shorttitle="LSLO", overlay=true) var float entryPrice = na var float stopPrice_Long = na var float limitPrice_Long = na longCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) acct = "Sim101" ticker = "NQ SEP24" qty = 1 LongStopLimit = '{ "alert": "Long", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "order_type": "STOPLIMIT", "limit_price": "' + str.tostring(limitPrice_Long) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stopPrice_Long) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' CloseAll = '{ "alert": "Close All", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '" }' if (longCondition) entryPrice := close stopPrice_Long := entryPrice - 5 limitPrice_Long := stopPrice_Long - 1 strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, alert_message = LongStopLimit) strategy.exit("Long Exit", from_entry="Long", limit=limitPrice_Long, stop=stopPrice_Long, alert_message=CloseAll)
5.1 Short with Stop Limit Order
//@version=5 strategy("Short with Stop Limit Order", shorttitle="SSLO", overlay=true) var float entryPrice = na var float stopPrice_Short = na var float limitPrice_Short = na shortCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) acct = "Sim101" ticker = "NQ SEP24" qty = 1 ShortStopLimit = '{ "alert": "Short", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "order_type": "STOPLIMIT", "limit_price": "' + str.tostring(limitPrice_Short) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stopPrice_Short) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' CloseAll = '{ "alert": "Close All", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '" }' if (shortCondition) entryPrice := close stopPrice_Short := entryPrice + 5 limitPrice_Short := stopPrice_Short + 1 strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, alert_message = ShortStopLimit) strategy.exit("Short Exit", from_entry="Short", limit=limitPrice_Short, stop=stopPrice_Short, alert_message=CloseAll)
6.1 OCO Market Order Long
//@version=5 strategy("OCO Market Order Long Example", shorttitle="OCOMOL", overlay=true) // Input fields for account details and quantity acct = input("Sim101", title="Account") ticker = input("NQ SEP24", title="Ticker") qty = input(1, title="Quantity") // Tracking the trade direction, where 1 is long, -1 is short, and 0 is flat var int tradeDirection = 0 // Storing the entry price for calculating take profit and stop loss levels var float entryPrice = na // Setting the initial take profit and stop loss prices to Not-a-Number var float takeProfitPrice = na var float stopLossPrice = na // Condition to enter a long trade longCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) // Exiting the trade based on take profit or stop loss exitCondition = (close > takeProfitPrice) or (close < stopLossPrice) if (longCondition) entryPrice := close takeProfitPrice := entryPrice + 10 // Example: setting take profit level 10 points above entry stopLossPrice := entryPrice - 10 // Example: setting stop loss level 10 points below entry // Constructing the JSON alert for the OCO Market Long order OCOMarketLong = '{ "alert": "OCO Market Long", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(takeProfitPrice) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stopLossPrice) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' // Entering the long position strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, qty=qty, alert_message = OCOMarketLong) tradeDirection := 1 if (exitCondition and tradeDirection == 1) // Closing the long position strategy.close("Long", qty=qty) // Resetting trade direction tradeDirection := 0 // Resetting entry price, take profit, and stop loss prices entryPrice := na takeProfitPrice := na stopLossPrice := na
6.1 OCO Market Order Short
//@version=5 strategy("OCO Market Order Short Example", shorttitle="OCOMOS", overlay=true) // Input fields for account details and quantity acct = input("Sim101", title="Account") ticker = input("NQ SEP24", title="Ticker") qty = input(1, title="Quantity") // Tracking the trade direction, where 1 is long, -1 is short, and 0 is flat var int tradeDirection = 0 // Storing the entry price for calculating take profit and stop loss levels var float entryPrice = na // Setting the initial take profit and stop loss prices to Not-a-Number var float takeProfitPrice = na var float stopLossPrice = na // Condition to enter a short trade shortCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) // Exiting the trade based on take profit or stop loss exitCondition = (close < takeProfitPrice) or (close > stopLossPrice) if (shortCondition) entryPrice := close takeProfitPrice := entryPrice - 10 // Example: setting take profit level 10 points below entry stopLossPrice := entryPrice + 10 // Example: setting stop loss level 10 points above entry // Constructing the JSON alert for the OCO Market Short order OCOMarketShort = '{ "alert": "OCO Market Short", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(takeProfitPrice) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stopLossPrice) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' // Entering the short position strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, qty=qty, alert_message = OCOMarketShort) tradeDirection := -1 if (exitCondition and tradeDirection == -1) // Closing the short position strategy.close("Short", qty=qty) // Resetting trade direction tradeDirection := 0 // Resetting entry price, take profit, and stop loss prices entryPrice := na takeProfitPrice := na stopLossPrice := na
7. OCO Limit Order Long (Not Supported)
//@version=5 //This order type is not supported at this time. //This order type is not supported at this time. //This order type is not supported at this time. strategy("OCO Limit Order Long Example", shorttitle="OCOLOL", overlay=true) // Input fields for account details and quantity acct = input("Sim101", title="Account") ticker = input("NQ SEP24", title="Ticker") qty = input(1, title="Quantity") // Tracking the trade direction, where 1 is long, -1 is short, and 0 is flat var int tradeDirection = 0 // Storing the entry price for calculating take profit and stop loss levels var float entryPrice = na // Setting the initial take profit and stop loss prices to Not-a-Number var float takeProfitPrice = na var float stopLossPrice = na var float entryLimit Long = na // Condition to enter a long trade longCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) // Exiting the trade based on take profit or stop loss exitCondition = (close > takeProfitPrice) or (close < stopLossPrice) if (longCondition) entryLimit Long := close + 5 // Example: setting limit order 5 points above current price entryPrice := entryLimit Long takeProfitPrice := entryPrice + 10 // Example: setting take profit level 10 points above entry stopLossPrice := entryPrice - 10 // Example: setting stop loss level 10 points below entry // Constructing the JSON alert for the OCO Limit Long order OCOLimit Long = '{ "alert": "OCO Limit Long", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "limit_price": "' + str.tostring(entryLimit Long) + '", "take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(takeProfitPrice) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stopLossPrice) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' // Entering the long position strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, qty=qty, limit=entryLimit Long, alert_message = OCOLimit Long) tradeDirection := 1 if (exitCondition and tradeDirection == 1) // Closing the long position strategy.close("Long", qty=qty) // Resetting trade direction tradeDirection := 0 // Resetting entry price, take profit, and stop loss prices entryPrice := na takeProfitPrice := na stopLossPrice := na
7.1 OCO Limit Order Short (Not Supported)
//@version=5 //This order type is not supported at this time. //This order type is not supported at this time. //This order type is not supported at this time. strategy("OCO Limit Order Short Example", shorttitle="OCOLOS", overlay=true) // Input fields for account details and quantity acct = input("Sim101", title="Account") ticker = input("NQ SEP24", title="Ticker") qty = input(1, title="Quantity") // Tracking the trade direction, where 1 is long, -1 is short, and 0 is flat var int tradeDirection = 0 // Storing the entry price for calculating take profit and stop loss levels var float entryPrice = na // Setting the initial take profit and stop loss prices to Not-a-Number var float takeProfitPrice = na var float stopLossPrice = na var float entryLimit Short = na // Condition to enter a short trade shortCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) // Exiting the trade based on take profit or stop loss exitCondition = (close < takeProfitPrice) or (close > stopLossPrice) if (shortCondition) entryLimit Short := close - 5 // Example: setting limit order 5 points below current price entryPrice := entryLimit Short takeProfitPrice := entryPrice - 10 // Example: setting take profit level 10 points below entry stopLossPrice := entryPrice + 10 // Example: setting stop loss level 10 points above entry // Constructing the JSON alert for the OCO Limit Short order OCOLimit Short = '{ "alert": "OCO Limit Short", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "limit_price": "' + str.tostring(entryLimit Short) + '", "take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(takeProfitPrice) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stopLossPrice) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' // Entering the short position strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, qty=qty, limit=entryLimit Short, alert_message = OCOLimit Short) tradeDirection := -1 if (exitCondition and tradeDirection == -1) // Closing the short position strategy.close("Short", qty=qty) // Resetting trade direction tradeDirection := 0 // Resetting entry price, take profit, and stop loss prices entryPrice := na takeProfitPrice := na stopLossPrice := na
8. Cancel OCO Long TP and SL / Change OCO Long TP and SL
//@version=5 strategy("Adjust OCO Long TP and SL", shorttitle="AOCOLTS", overlay=true) // Input fields for account details and quantity acct = input("Sim101", title="Account") ticker = input("NQ SEP24", title="Ticker") qty = input(1, title="Quantity") // Tracking the trade direction, where 1 is long, -1 is short, and 0 is flat var int tradeDirection = 0 // Storing the entry price for calculating take profit and stop loss levels var float entryPrice = na // Setting the initial take profit and stop loss prices to Not-a-Number var float takeProfitPrice = na var float stopLossPrice = na var float adjustedTakeProfitLong = na var float adjustedStopPriceLong = na // Conditions to enter and exit the trade longCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) adjustCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 7), ta.sma(close, 14)) if (longCondition) entryPrice := close takeProfitPrice := entryPrice + 10 // Example: setting take profit level 10 points above entry stopLossPrice := entryPrice - 10 // Example: setting stop loss level 10 points below entry // Constructing the JSON alert for the initial OCO Long order OCOLong = '{ "alert": "OCO Long", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(takeProfitPrice) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stopLossPrice) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' // Entering the long position strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, qty=qty, alert_message = OCOLong) tradeDirection := 1 if (adjustCondition and tradeDirection == 1) // Adjusting take profit and stop loss levels adjustedTakeProfitLong := close + 15 // Example: adjusting take profit level to 15 points above current price adjustedStopPriceLong := close - 5 // Example: adjusting stop loss level to 5 points below current price // Constructing the JSON alert for the adjusted OCO Long order adjustedOCOLong = '{ "alert": "Adjusted OCO Long", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(adjustedTakeProfitLong) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(adjustedStopPriceLong) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' // Updating the long position strategy.exit("Adjust Long TP and SL", "Long", qty=qty, limit=adjustedTakeProfitLong, stop=adjustedStopPriceLong, alert_message=adjustedOCOLong)
8.1 Cancel OCO Short TP and SL / Change OCO Short TP and SL
//@version=5 strategy("Adjust OCO Short TP and SL", shorttitle="AOCOSTS", overlay=true) // Input fields for account details and quantity acct = input("Sim101", title="Account") ticker = input("NQ SEP24", title="Ticker") qty = input(1, title="Quantity") // Tracking the trade direction, where 1 is long, -1 is short, and 0 is flat var int tradeDirection = 0 // Storing the entry price for calculating take profit and stop loss levels var float entryPrice = na // Setting the initial take profit and stop loss prices to Not-a-Number var float takeProfitPrice = na var float stopLossPrice = na var float adjustedTakeProfitShort = na var float adjustedStopPriceShort = na // Conditions to enter and exit the trade shortCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) adjustCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 7), ta.sma(close, 14)) if (shortCondition) entryPrice := close takeProfitPrice := entryPrice - 10 // Example: setting take profit level 10 points below entry stopLossPrice := entryPrice + 10 // Example: setting stop loss level 10 points above entry // Constructing the JSON alert for the initial OCO Short order OCOShort = '{ "alert": "OCO Short", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(takeProfitPrice) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(stopLossPrice) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' // Entering the short position strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, qty=qty, alert_message = OCOShort) tradeDirection := -1 if (adjustCondition and tradeDirection == -1) // Adjusting take profit and stop loss levels adjustedTakeProfitShort := close - 15 // Example: adjusting take profit level to 15 points below current price adjustedStopPriceShort := close + 5 // Example: adjusting stop loss level to 5 points above current price // Constructing the JSON alert for the adjusted OCO Short order adjustedOCOShort = '{ "alert": "Adjusted OCO Short", "account": "' + str.tostring(acct) + '", "ticker": "' + str.tostring(ticker) + '", "qty": "' + str.tostring(qty) + '", "take_profit_price": "' + str.tostring(adjustedTakeProfitShort) + '", "stop_price": "' + str.tostring(adjustedStopPriceShort) + '", "tif": "DAY" }' // Updating the short position strategy.exit("Adjust Short TP and SL", "Short", qty=qty, limit=adjustedTakeProfitShort, stop=adjustedStopPriceShort, alert_message=adjustedOCOShort)
9. Cancel All OCO Bracket’s (Cancel TP’s and SL’s)
//@version=5 strategy("Cancel All OCO Brackets", shorttitle="CAOCOB", overlay=true) // Input fields for account details and quantity acct = input("Sim101", title="Account") ticker = input("NQ SEP24", title="Ticker") qty = input(1, title="Quantity") // Tracking the trade direction, where 1 is long, -1 is short, and 0 is flat var int tradeDirection = 0 // Conditions to enter, exit, and adjust the trade longCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) shortCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) cancelOCOCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 7), ta.sma(close, 14)) // Constructing the JSON alert for cancelling all OCO brackets cancelOCO = '{ "alert": "Cancel OCO" }' if (longCondition) // Entering a long position strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, qty=qty) tradeDirection := 1 if (shortCondition) // Entering a short position strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, qty=qty) tradeDirection := -1 if (cancelOCOCondition) // Cancelling all OCO brackets strategy.close("Long", alert_message=cancelOCO) strategy.close("Short", alert_message=cancelOCO) tradeDirection := 0 plotshape(series=longCondition, title="Buy Signal", location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, style=shape.labelup, text="Buy") plotshape(series=shortCondition, title="Sell Signal", location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, style=shape.labeldown, text="Sell") plotshape(series=cancelOCOCondition, title="Cancel OCO Signal", location=location.abovebar, color=color.purple, style=shape.labeldown, text="Cancel OCO")
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